Thursday, October 31, 2019

MHE514 Module 2 - Case, Natural Disasters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MHE514 Module 2 - Case, Natural Disasters - Essay Example re ready to provide assistance, but the paranoid rulers of Burma refused to consider any such assistance for its suffering population (Burma Reels as Storm Toll Rises, 2008). Ratnesar 2008, in his article â€Å"Is It Time to Invade Burma?† takes a look at the inadequate response of the rest of the world to the human disaster unfolding in Burma, due to the lack of concern of the ruling Burmese Junta to their sufferings and thereby denying the required and available international aid. In the face of this refusal to accept international aid, which sets a precedent for the rulers of any country to remain indifferent to human suffering, Ratnesar suggests that it is time for the rest of the world to act, through military action by the invasion of Burma, to provide relief for the suffering people. Negotiations to permit the international community, may not succeed with Burma, and hence the need for a more vigorous reaction from the rest of the world. This would have the added benefit that of letting know to rulers with a similar disposition to their citizens as the rulers of Burma that the world would not tolerate human suffering and has options to deal with it (Ratnesar, 2008). Viewed from the moral perspective, the recommendation of the author is justified. There was a human disaster unfolding in Burma, which was many hundred times the disaster that the United States faced in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (Burma Reels as Storm Toll Rises, 2008). The paranoia of the ruling junta in Burma became an obstacle to international humanitarian aid to reduce the human suffering in Burma (Beech, 2007). This paranoia of the ruling Burmese junta had led to curtailment of movement of international NGOs, such that at the time of this human disaster there was minimal aid infrastructure in the country and hardly any international aid flowing in (Burma Reels as Storm Toll Rises, 2008). Yet, the response of the world community was lukewarm. Pressure on the rulers of Burma to relent

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How an organization overcame a public relations crisis Case Study

How an organization overcame a public relations crisis - Case Study Example Johnson & Johnson’s is a very successful company. Its vision focuses on being of service to the community and committing itself to serving their clients. The mission statement is no different. The company seeks to provide its clients with the best possible product and services. According to the company, this must meet safety and ethical regulation. Looking at the Tylenol crisis, the reader will understand just how timely response to company crisis is essential in winning the trust of the consumer. Before the Tylenol Crisis, the product was the most successful over the counter drug in the US. It had over a hundred million users. Through the first 3 quarters of 1982, Tylenol was bringing in about 19 percent of Johnson and Johnson’s profits. The product accounted for 13 percent of the company’s growth in sales and over 33 percent in profits growth per year. In terms of the market share, Tylenol had over 37 percent making it indomitable. The drug outsold four of its closest competitors combined. Later in 1982, for reasons not known to anyone, a presumably unknown person or persons put cyanide-laced capsules in place of Tylenol Extra-Strength capsules and then resealed the packages. The malevolent person(s) then deposited the drugs on shelves of at least six pharmacies or more and popular food stores in Chicago. Seven people died from using the capsules. The media can be damaging to the reputation of any company. In most cases, it may have some alteration, or have interest on one side. While a given piece of information can have different meanings depending on how it is covered, the media will always find the way that the piece attracts as much heat or attention as possible. Concerning Tylenol crisis, the media focused on how a trusted consumer product had brought about deaths of the American citizens. While this is true, the fact is that the company was not to blame for the unfortunate events. The media made a very bad name of the brand that

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Power, Politics and Leadership in the Organization

Power, Politics and Leadership in the Organization PMC 140Project Leadership Political Leadership in the Organization Abstract The Outline of the Topic is based on the Power, Politics and Leadership in the Organization. Design The Questionnaires are as follows Why Politics is important in the workplace how much do we play with it to achieve the reputation or position in your organization? What is meant by power in the organization, how it helps to achieve the leadership qualities? What will be the impacts on Leadership Qualities and Leaders especially in their personalitybyplaying politics and having power in the organization? Keywords Leadership qualities, behaviour, politics in workplace. value -The findings of this paper contribute to the understanding of the relationships between leadership, performance, and politics in the workplace and in the public sector in particular. According to the survey from past several Years and according to my belief the word â€Å"Politics† in the organization is creating the hoax to its original term. Power, Politics and Leadership are the three important factors in the workplace that leads to the success in shortcut manner. We will discuss these three factors which has change the scenario of Organizations and leadership qualities. Politics in the organization Organizational Politics involves intentional acts of the influence to enhance or protect the self-interest of the individuals or the groups. It is an unpreventable and basic reality. Workplace politics is a very human phenomenon that tends to arise in organizations with at least one degree of separation between authoritative decisions. Politics need not be nasty some of it can be safe, like perhaps a director is having a good understanding with another director over which team has better performance. This isnt a direct goal laid out by the senior management, but ultimately it can be concluded that a little internal competition between departments would overall improve quality. Corporate politics naturally have something to do with people attempting to move ahead their careers. This sometimes goes against the welfare of the company as a whole, against principles of fairness, and is generally speaking something you usually dont want to be a part of. Sometimes there are overly ambitious but poorly performing managers. They focus on making everyone else look bad at all costs possible to secure their employment and promotions, which bleeds into daily operation. For instance if two game developers are working on the same product from different teams, and if there is a problem, they will engage in long irrelevant work rather than constructive work. Sometimes there will be slight attempts at challenging teams. For example, lets say you are taking over a code base from someone and they intentionally leave out some vital details during the facts transfer. Alternatively they can choose to control on the data, they look in disposable, and hint that you cannot do the job that they used to do. Ultimately, if you do nothing about it, these kinds of people will excavate trenches around you and make you look bad before senior management. Perception is everything in this kind of a nature of politics, and sadly sometimes you have to play this game to survive. Yes some people play the game just for themselves and are dishonest in what they do. These people are the people who get praise for what others did and who will stab you in the back. The best way to keep the bad people from succeeding though is to play the political game yourself. People cant take unmerited praise for what management already knows you did. But if you have good informa tion and want them adopted by the association, if you want to get promoted to the next level, if you want to defend yourself and your status, you need to play the game. Technical people hate this, but it is true. No one can manage to pay for not to be part of the political game at work. It makes you more helpful. (what-does-politics-mean-in-a-corporate-environment, 2012) Impact of Power in the Organization and Achievements in the Leadership Qualities. Let me draw your attention to the interesting thing that Have you ever notice that the Senior Management probably knows more about whats going on at work than you? Power in the workplace can be a delicate thing. Every day, we need to get the people around us to do things. There are many legal things we need others to do: the report youre waiting on from another department or delegating work to those under you in the organization. But the line that defines getting work done from reinforcing your own position is a misty one at best. Thats why you want to be familiar with the various types of power that youre given in theworkplace. Of course, the game of power is a tantalizing one and we cant cover every kind of authority. You have three main sources of power: role power, expert power and relationship power. Lets break down each and give examples of when to use them. Role Power Role power is theauthority that is given based on the element you play at work. Role power is the most direct kind of power; for example, Managers has power over the staff who report to him. While this is the most understandable example, role power doesnt always flow instantly down. You may have extra role power in a specific context, such as leading up a project that gives you success in your work and input from people higher up the food chain than you.These roles are of people whose jobs, in reality end up being much more important than they initially seem on documents. If youre in one of these types of roles, you may have control over valuable projects or information. The obvious way to gain more role power is toget promoted, but there are things you can do to improve in the role you have. Look at the work that makes up your day-to-day job. You can ask to suggest something else that could be done in this area, even if its just creating an excel spreadsheet that looks at some data in a different way. If its necessary to the company, you want to be part of it. Expert power-Expert power is the power that comes from yourskills and information. A lot of the weight you carry at work comes from the quality of your results and the knowledge you bring to the table. Why is it that out of the whole sales team, people in your office pay more respect to the top salesman. Because whatever hes doing, its working. Hes creating results, and that makes people respect his view and listen when he speaks. Think about the experts at your work. You dont know the process, but the knowledge and the results speak for themselves. Bottom line: You pay your respect the people at work who are good at what they do. The good news is that youre continuously increasing your expert power as you continue your workingcareer. All things being equal, we apt to view those whove been doing something for longer as having more smart. Then again, we also look down on those whove done the same thing for years but are stuck in their ways and struggling. Stay dynamic: Learn new skills, learn more about your business and keep bringing new ideas and new results to the table. Relationship power-Relationship power is the authority you have on others based on your relationship with them. Relationship power is anything in your relationship with others that makes them want to do things for you. Of the three kinds of power, relationship power is the easiest to use, as everyone has a craving to get along at work and for things to go smoothly. Even if you dont want to be friends with the people you work with, you still want to get along and get through your days as smoothly as possibly.Relationshipsare the lubricant that keeps the wheels turning smoothly. Its not just about friendship either: Favours done and returned, or even quick replies with needed information when people ask for it can go a long way toward increasing your social power. Being generally helpful and nice is a huge start. You dont need to be an easy target but be relaxed and help others move company projects forward. When one of your co workers does a good job, give them credit for it. Do the occasional favour as long as youwantto do it and arent being walked on. Everyone has problems, and the day may come when you need to call in that favour. If you have extra time in the morning, bring the crew in some coffee and doughnuts one day. Dont forget, actions speak louder than words and your reputation leads you forward. It doesnt need to be a big signal, but a little set down here and there can build up to a healthy bank balance in your social-circle account. Poweris one of the oldest and most elusive games, and there is still no definitive guide to the stuff. Just because power can never be mastered doesnt mean you shouldnt be making it work for you. Start today to carve out some power for yourself. By paying attention to your role, expert and relationship power, you can begin to control your leadership. (the-three-types-of-power-at-work.html) (aqureshi) Impacts on Leadership Qualities and their Personality byplaying politics and having power in the organization According to the Power and Politics I want you to pull your attention on the Impacts on Leadership Qualities and the change in their Personality by playing Bad politics in the workplace. Let me take the illustrative example of how some Boss goes mad through the office. If your boss is not impressed with you, there’s a good chance that your colleagues are feeling it, too and reacting to the negative energy in turn. Anew study suggests that bullying bosses affect not just the victim of their anxiety, but the victim’s co workers as well, making life miserable for an entire group of colleagues. This phenomenon, second hand bullying, may also have an unintentional impact on the company as well, since it can seriously affect employee’s self-esteem and opinion of the company as a whole. The phenomenon known as abusive direction is one of the more dysfunctional types of leadership, they point out, but it’s one that’s gaining more notice as a very real problem in the workplace. Office bullying is defined as subordinates perceptions of the amount to which supervisors engage in the constant display of aggressive verbal and nonverbal behaviours, excluding physical contact. And this type of psychological bullying often goes on much longer than physical abuse, since it’s less understandable but can be more dangerous, leaving long-lasting scars. But as mentioned, abusive supervision doesn’t just affect the person at whom it’s directed it can affect an entire office. Its occurrence can extend to others second hand, as they hear about it or witness it occurring in co workers and friends. And if it spreads to other people, it may be likely to affect employees overall perception of the company they work for and, in true domino effect, this can affect the efficiency of the company itself. In other words, it’s not something to be taken calmly from a social or a business perspective. To these ends, the authors wanted to measure the effects of rude supervision and explicit abusive supervision on employees’ frustration, the likelihood of co worker abuse, which is how supportive employees perceive their company to be. Top management needs further education regarding the potential impacts of sensational abuse supervision on employees to prevent and mitigate the effects of such abuse. They next hope to look at the effects of both types of abusive management on people in other lines of work, and within specific companies. According to the survey and research in the industry and exploring the real life examples of Victims who have suffered a lot in politics in the workplace, I believe that Politics is Good at its certain level to raise you in the terms of Leaders, it’s quality and behaviour, but it’s bad also as when you mess with it in wrong manner. It can bring a person from Rags to Riches or viceversa.So we should often play Politics in the workplace. (Walton, 2013) Bibliography aqureshi. (n.d.). power-politics-and-leadership. Retrieved from the-three-types-of-power-at-work.html. (n.d.). Retrieved from Walton, A. G. (2013, 7 2). Retrieved from what-does-politics-mean-in-a-corporate-environment. (2012, 10 3). Retrieved from

Friday, October 25, 2019

Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay -- use of stem cells in regenerativ

Advancements in medical technology has allowed for a new understanding of stem cells and further developments in research. The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine may hold significant benefits for those suffering from degenerative diseases. To avail such advancements in stem cell research could see the alleviation or complete cure of afflictions that take the lives of millions worldwide each year. (McLaren, 2001) A stem cell 1 is able differentiate into any somatic cell found in the human body, including those identical to itself. Differentiation is a cellular process whereby a stem cell will divide into a specialised cell, for example a neuron2. To harness the unique cellular function of a stem cell could mean the cultivation of entirely new organs; saving countless lives and resolving acute organ transplant shortages. (Healey, 2007) Although stem cell research poses a considerable breakthrough in regenerative medicine, it raises serious ethical controversy. A specific type of stem cell used in regenerative research is an embryonic stem (ES) cell; harvested through the destruction of human embryos. (Hurlbut, 2006) This poses a significant ethical dilemma, as ES cells are sourced from pre-implantation embryos leftover from In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). The destruction of embryos is seen by many as an abuse of human life, an exploitation of those that are living, but cannot decide their own fate. (Masters, 2005) Before ES cell research is to make a positive impact on modern medicine and the global scientific co mmunity, this ethical predicament must first be considered. Embryonic stem cell research will allow for an emerging era of medicine, where researches will be capable of providing a cure for many of todays degene... ...velopment, Monash University, Australia Fuchs, E 2008, Stem Cells: Biology, Ethics and Potential for Medicine, L'annuarie du College de France, France Denker, H 2006, Potentiality of Embryonic Stem Cells: An Ethical Problem Even With Alternative Stem Cell Sources, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Scott, C 2008, Stem Cells: new frontiers of ethics, law and policy, Stanford University, United States of America Healey, J 2007, Cloning & Stem Cell Research, Volume 265 edn, The Spinney Press, Sydney, Australia Morgan, S 2006, From Microscopes to Stem Cell Research: discovering regenerative medicine, White-Thomson Publishing, Oxford, United Kingdom Dowswell, P 2000, Genetics: the impact on our lives, Hodder & Wayland, London, United Kingdom Maters, C 2005, DNA and your body: what you need to know about biotechnology, UNSW Press, Sydney, Australia

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Psychological Basis Of Behavior Essay

Until recently the causes of psychological disorders were not so clearly defined. Then advanced imaging techniques made it possible to see various areas of the brain and pinpoint areas that control behavior. It has been long known that the brain uses chemical messengers called neurotransmitters for signaling during its various processes. Advances in neuromedicine revealed that a lot of neurological and psychological disorders have a basis in imbalances between various neurotransmitters in the brain. Diseases like Parkinson’s, Schizophrenia and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder are only a few where administering drugs that controlled levels of various neurotransmitters in the brain could control the disease symptoms and in some cases even provide a cure. Indeed, it was the discovery of these pharmacological agents that led to the discovery of newer agents that could control various neurological disorders by manipulating levels of neurotransmitters. Development of various drugs for schizophrenia was done on the basis of the fact that they had the ability to block dopamine receptors. In addition it was noticed that there was also an increased number of dopamine receptors present in these patients1. Similarly, in patients who suffered form Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) an abnormality in the neurotransmitter serotonin was implicated and it was shown that drug therapy that did not affect 5-HT receptors was ineffective in the treatment of OCD6. Parkinson’s disease like schizophrenia also is due to an abnormality in dopamine levels but in Parkinson’s dopamine levels become depleted4. Parkinson’s disease is a movement disorder caused by the depletion of dopamine produced in the substantia nigra, a part of the brain that is responsible for voluntary movements of the body11. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects 1% of the population. Its pathophysiology involves degeneration of substantia nigra. This portion is responsible for movements in the body. Various hypotheses have been proposed concerning the causes of the disease and include genetic factors, environmental factors and viruses. Amongst these genetic factors are considered the most important and mutations in various genes have been identified that are linked to Parkinson’s disease. Genes that have been implicated are PINK-1, DJ-1, and LRRK2 and it is thought that in addition to hereditary viruses and toxins are thought to cause theses mutations4. Parkinson’s disease is characterized by a fine pin-rolling tremor of the hands, rigidity, bradykinesia, an expressionless face called a mask like face and a parkinsonian gait characterized by small steps and reduced swing of the arms. Additional symptoms may be present and include difficulty in chewing and swallowing, depression, fatigue, dementia, speech problems, constipation, urinary problems and orthostatic hypotension7. Symptoms vary from patient to patient and can also have drastic emotional consequences for the patient. Diagnosis is often difficult as there are no tests available and is usually made on history and examination of the nervous system. Various treatment options are available and are mainly aimed at increasing the levels of dopamine in the brain. These include Levodopa, which is a precursor of dopamine and the nerve cells use synthesize dopamine. Other drugs like bromocriptine, apomorphine and pramipexole act by imitating the activity of dopamine4. There is no definitive cure for this disease and the treatment is only symptomatic. Adjuvant therapy may be given to relieve symptoms such as depression. Schizophrenia is another disorder that is caused by an imbalance between dopamine levels. The difference is that high levels of dopamine are found and the disease has mainly psychiatric manifestations. The cause of schizophrenia still remains unknown and this has been hampered largely by the different subtypes of the disease presenting a large variety of symptoms and involving different areas of the brain. It is also a feature of diseases like Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease9. Schizophrenia is characterized by auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions in which the patient thinks that his thoughts are being controlled externally and paranoid behavior believing someone is poisoning him, disorders of movement, cognitive dysfunction and emotional symptoms such as lack of interest in surroundings and social withdrawal2. Newer research has suggested that people with schizophrenia may experience an inability to smell certain items suggesting a disorder in the orbitofrontal region of the brain and surprisingly this sensory deficit has also been found in patients with Parkinson’s disease10. Other studies indicate that abnormalities in the amygdalia a region of the brain dealing with psychological processes may cause schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders8. Though the cause is still doubtful it has been seen that schizophrenia runs in families thus suggesting a genetic factor. Environmental factors and trauma during birth have also been suggested as causative factors. In the past agents used to treat schizophrenia like chlorpromazine and haloperidol blocked both D1 and D2 receptors and caused extra pyramidal side effects2. But the newer agents like clozapine have a high affinity for D1 receptors and thus do not cause unwanted extrapyramidal side effects. Other agents that have fewer side effects are risperidone and olanzepine and are very effective in controlling symptoms. All of these agents act by reducing levels of dopamine in the brain thus enabling the control of symptoms. The genetic predisposition to schizophrenia is now widely known. Family history of mental ailments such as schizoaffective disorders, bipolar disorders and depression, are a very strong indication and predisposition to developing schizophrenia. However, complex researches in the pattern of schizophrenic disorders among monozygotic twins have not been able to establish the full authenticity of the claim. The scientists claim that schizophrenia has been associated with the â€Å"shy gene† or 5-HTT gene. Currently, having a schizophrenic geneticity is only the first link; further development is dependant on other factors as well. (Schizophrenia. com, 2007)12 Many claim that there exists a link between schizophrenia and the environment. This is based on the fact that increased risk of schizophrenia within families cannot be singly attributed to the cause of it alone. The environmental factors that are thought to play an important role in causing schizophrenia include psychosocial, biological and physical factors, which are in effect from birth till maturity. It is now claimed that the interaction of the genetic and the social or environmental factors are very important in the development of disease in schizophrenic patients. (Tsuang, 2001) Many of the environmental effects that come into play do so in preterm and in early childhood. The highest contribution seems to be the state of labor, for example, hypoxia, CNS damage RH incompatibility of the mother and child etc. Also, other prenatal factors may include maternal depression, bereavement and flood and famine. Rubella infections and infections of the CNS are also thought to play a very important role in the development of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia. com, 2007)12 Obsessive-compulsive disorder is another psychiatric disorder that has at its cause an imbalance between neurotransmitters. In this case the neurotransmitter is serotonin. The areas of the brain thought to be involved in this disorder are the basal ganglia and the frontal lobe6. People with OCD have obsessional thoughts and t he compulsion to carry out those thoughts repeatedly3. Patients often have an awareness of their abnormal thought patterns and are distressed by them but are unable to control them. Common symptoms are patients exhibiting rituals and having unwanted thoughts and behavior patterns. Patients may have unwanted thoughts of a fear of germs or hurting someone called an obsession and compulsions are the acts of carrying out those obsessional thoughts like repeatedly washing and cleaning or repeatedly counting or checking things over and over again3. Sometimes it manifests in conjunction with other psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and depression. It often resolves when these disorders are treated. It has also been seen with diseases like Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s chorea6. This disorder usually starts in adolescence and the patient is usually aware that he has some psychiatric ailment. The etiology is uncertain but Obsessive-compulsive disorder also has a genetic component. Though environmental factors are also a major cause, head trauma has also been implicated in certain cases6. Various treatment options are available including behavioral therapy. Drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors act by delaying the uptake of serotonin into the neuron and thus prolonging it’s action. This controls the deficiency of serotonin thought to be involved in causing obsessional symptoms. Drugs that are being used include fluoxetine, sertraline, fluvoxamine, paroxetine and clomipramine. Drug therapy used to treat other anxiety disorders is not effective in obsessive-compulsive disorder since it may not target the 5-HT receptors that are used by serotonin. Adams et al (2005)14 reported an up-regulation of serotonin receptors in caudate nuclei of OCD patients. Administration of SSRI drugs was tested in OCD patients. When untreated patients were compared with healthy normal individuals, it was found that cerebral 5-HT (2A) receptors binding were high in these patients. However, this difference was diminished when SSRI drug was administered to the patients. Different studies have reported that 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) are most successful in treatment of OCD (Mansari & Blier, 2006). This suggests serotonin depletion may be a vital cause of this disease. Normally, serotonin is actively involved in moderating flow of messages from orbital frontal cortex to thalamus via caudate nucleus. Various pharmacological studies have suggested 5-HT concentration in OFC is regulated by 5HT2 like receptors. SRI drugs modify 5-HT receptors regulation of serotonin and hence mostly used in treatment of OCD (Mansari & Blier, 2006)15. Delgado and Moreno (1998)16 also reported that these drugs binding potency is related to hallucinogens. Pitterger et al (2006) reported that drugs that reduce elevated glutamate levels in brain might be effective in treatment of OCD. Pitterger et al (2006)17 suggested antiglutamatergic agent riluzole (Rilutek) play vital role in reducing glutamate hyperactivity in the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuitry. Conclusion Overall a link has been found among various mental illnesses. This is evident by the fact that obsessive-compulsive disorder may be present in people who already have Schizophrenia or Parkinson’s disease. This overlap suggests that similar areas of the brain are involved in the etiology of these diseases and also that similar neurotransmitters may also be involved. Also interesting is the similarity in the deficiency in the sense of smell in both Parkinson’s and schizophrenia. As research progresses and advanced neuroimaging techniques become available it will become possible to interlink these diseases to one another. Special areas of interest may be the basal ganglia and the amygdalia as they are seen involved in a variety of neurological disorders. Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disease, having a progressive nature. There are certain peculiar signs and symptoms that a Parkinson patient presents with; these include tremor, rigidity, akinesia or bradykinesia. Etiologically, Parkinson’s disease is found in 1% of the population above 60 years of age. The ratio increases in people above 70 years of age. Although, also found in women, predominantly affects male gender. The role of environment in causing Parkinsonism is worth mentioning. Carbon mono-oxide and manganese, apart from certain pesticides play the major role in causing the disease. Parkinsonism among old aged people is idiopathic, but familial inheritance can be possible. A lot is not known about the role of genetics and inheritance of this disease, but occurrence in younger ages carries a higher probability of familial inheritance. It has been found that schizophrenia and Parkinson disease may share similarity by showing dysfunction of the prefrontal cortical areas of the brain. Also, both these conditions are the result or excess of deficiency of the levels of dopamine, which in turn dictates the treatment plan for such conditions. Similarly, patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease may show the presence of obsessive compulsive disorders, and the severity depends upon the length of the disease progression. The relation between these three conditions presenting in close relation with each other raise many questions about the progress of each disease, and whether treatments of each condition contain treatments for others as well. (Maia, 2003)13

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparison Between Japan and America in Education

Every country perceives the importance of education. Any country that keeps their people uneducated or does not help to educate cannot make them as a responsible person. America and Japan both feel very strongly about education and that they need to have well educated people. Both of these countries have educational systems that are similar in some ways and yet very different in other ways. In order to understand the education between the two countries, it is useful to compare the system of the failure, school uniform, and entrance examination.First of all, there is a difference from the system of the failure between Japan and America. America adopts the system of the failure from the elementary school. When the teacher decides that the student should take the grade again because of his or her inadequate understanding for the class, the student must take the same curriculum. On the other hand, Japan does not adopt the system from the elementary school. The system is used from the hig h school. In Japan, the compulsory education is from the elementary school to the junior high school.Inside the period, the system of failure is not applied. In the case of the failure in Japan, thirty percent is the deadline in each test. In the system of the failure of the two countries, the primary education and the secondary education are completely different. However, from the higher education, the system is the same. Not only the system of failure, but also the school uniform is another difference. In Japan, almost all students wear the school uniform every day from elementary school to high school.It’s good for students themselves because they do not need to worry about their cloths every day. Their parents also do not care about the cost of the cloths. In contrast, almost all students in America do not wear the school uniform. Some private schools adopt the school uniform, but it is rare to see the uniform in America. As for the school uniform, there is no similarity. Furthermore, there are the difference and similarity in the entrance examination.In Japan, a lot of universities depend on the written test to measure the student’s academic ability. On the other hand, in America, many universities make a point of the student’s character. The essay is one of the good ways to make students express their own opinions. Although Japanese universities adopt the written test in the entrance examination, many high schools use the creative tests in the entrance examination to measure the students’ character. One of the good examples is the interview.Interviewer can know their character soon. Similarly, American schools use the telephone interview. In the entrance examination, there are the same ways and difference ways in the two countries. Although there are many similarities and differences between the educational systems of Japan and America, it is hard to declare that one is better than the other. It is useful to compare the educat ional system of the failure, school uniform, and entrance examination to understand the education between Japan and America.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pegasus Bridge in World War II (Operation Deadstick

Pegasus Bridge in World War II (Operation Deadstick Operation Deadstick - Conflict Date: Operation Deadstick took place on June 6, 1944, during World War II (1939-1941). Forces Commanders: British Major John HowardLieutenant Colonel Richard Pine-Coffingrowing to 380 men German Major Hans SchmidtGeneralmajor Edgar Feuchtinger50 at the bridge, 21st Panzer Division in area Operation Deadstick - Background: In early 1944 planning was well underway for the Allied return to northwestern Europe.   Commanded by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the invasion of Normandy was slated for late spring and ultimately called for Allied forces to land on five beaches.   To implement the plan, ground forces would be overseen by General Sir Bernard Montgomery while naval forces were led by Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay.   To support these efforts, three airborne divisions would drop behind the beaches to secure key objectives and facilitate the landings.   While Major Generals Matthew Ridgway and Maxwell Taylors US 82nd and 101st Airborne would land in the west, Major General Richard N. Gales British 6th Airborne was tasked with dropping in the east.   From this position, it would protect the landings eastern flank from German counterattacks.   Ã‚     Ã‚   Central to accomplishing this mission was the capture of the bridges over the Caen Canal and River Orne.   Situated near Bà ©nouville and flowing parallel to each other, the canal and river provided a major natural obstacle.   As such, securing the bridges was deemed critical in order to prevent a German counterstrike against troops coming ashore on Sword Beach as well as maintaining contact with the bulk of 6th Airborne which would be dropping further east.   Assessing options for attacking the bridges, Gale decided that a glider coup de main assault would be most effective.   To accomplish this, he requested Brigadier Hugh Kindersley of the 6th Airlanding Brigade select his best company for the mission. Operation Deadstick - Preparations: Responding, Kindersley chose Major John Howards D Company, 2nd (Airborne) Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.   A spirited leader, Howard had already spent several weeks training his men in night fighting.   As planning progressed, Gale determined that D Company lacked sufficient strength for the mission.   This resulted in the platoons of Lieutenants Dennis Fox and Richard Sandy Smith being transferred to Howards command from B Company.   In addition, thirty Royal Engineers, led by Captain Jock Neilson, were attached to deal with any demolition charges found on the bridges.   Transportation to Normandy would be provided by six Airspeed Horsa gliders from the Glider Pilot Regiments C Squadron.    Dubbed Operation Deadstick, the strike plan for the bridges called for each to be attacked by three gliders.   Once secured, Howards men were to hold the bridges until relieved by Lieutenant Colonel Richard Pine-Coffins 7th Parachute Battalion.   The combined airborne troops were to defend their positions until elements of the British 3rd Infantry Division and 1st Special Service Brigade arrived after landing on Sword.   Planners expected this rendezvous to occur around 11:00 AM.   Moving to RAF Tarrant Rushton in late May, Howard briefed his men on the details of the mission.   At 10:56 PM on June 5, his command took off for France with their gliders being towed by  Handley Page Halifax bombers. Operation Deadstick - German Defenses: Defending the bridges were approximately fifty men drawn from the 736th Grenadier Regiment, 716th Infantry Division.   Led by Major Hans Schmidt, whose headquarters was in nearby Ranville, this unit was a largely static formation consisting of men drawn from across occupied Europe and armed with a mix of captured weapons.   Supporting Schmidt to the southeast was Colonel Hans von Lucks 125th Panzergrenadier Regiment in Vimont.   Though possessing a potent force, Luck was part of the 21st Panzer Division which in turn was part of the German armored reserve.   As such, this force could only be committed to battle with the consent of Adolf Hitler.    Operation Deadstick - Taking the Bridges: Approaching the French coast at 7,000 feet, Howards men reached France shortly after midnight on June 6.   Releasing from their tow planes, the first three gliders, containing Howard and the platoons of Lieutenants Den Brotheridge, David Wood, and Sandy Smith maneuvered to land near the canal bridge while the other three, with Captain Brian Priday (Howards executive officer) and the platoons of Lieutenants Fox, Tony Hooper, and Henry Sweeney, turned toward the river bridge.   The three gliders with Howard landed near the canal bridge around 12:16 AM and suffered one fatality in the process.   Quickly advancing to the bridge, Howards men were spotted by a sentry who attempted to raise the alarm.   Storming the trenches and pillboxes around the bridge, his troops were able to quickly secure the span though Brotheridge fell mortally wounded. To the east, Foxs glider was the first to land as Priday and Hoopers went missing.   Quickly attacking, his platoon used a mix of mortar and rifle fire to overwhelm the defenders.   Foxs men were soon joined by Sweeneys platoon which had landed approximately 770 yards short of the bridge.   Learning that the river bridge had been taken, Howard directed his command to assume defensive positions.   A short time later, he was joined by Brigadier  Nigel Poett who had jumped with pathfinders from the 22nd Independent Parachute Company.   Around 12:50 AM, the lead elements of the 6th Airborne began dropping in the area.   At their designated drop zone, Pine-Coffin worked to rally his battalion.   Locating around 100 of his men, he set off to join Howard shortly after 1:00 AM. Operation Deadstick - Mounting a Defense: Around this time, Schmidt decided to personally assess the situation at the bridges.   Riding in a Sd.Kfz.250 halftrack with a motorcycle escort, he inadvertently drove through D Companys perimeter and onto the river bridge before coming under heavy fire and being compelled to surrender.   Alerted to the loss of the bridges, Lieutenant General Wilhelm Richter, commander of the 716th Infantry, requested aid from the 21st Panzers Major General Edgar Feuchtinger.   Limited in his scope of action due to Hitlers restrictions, Feuchtinger dispatched the  2nd Battalion, 192nd Panzergrenadier Regiment towards  Bà ©nouville.   As the lead Panzer IV from this formation approached the junction leading to the bridge, it was hit by a round from D Companys only functional PIAT anti-tank weapon.   Exploding, it led the other tanks to pull back. Reinforced by a company from the 7th Parachute Battalion, Howard ordered these troops across the canal bridge and into Bà ©nouville and Le Port.   When Pine-Coffin arrived a short time later, he assumed command and established his headquarters near the church in Bà ©nouville.   As his men grew in number, he directed Howards company back towards the bridges as a reserve.   At 3:00 AM, the Germans attacked Bà ©nouville in force from the south and pushed the British back.   Consolidating his position, Pine-Coffin was able to hold a line in the town.   At dawn, Howards men came under fire from German snipers.   Using a 75 mm anti-tank gun found by the bridges, they shelled suspected sniper nests.   Around 9:00 AM, Howards command employed PIAT fire to force two German gunboats to withdraw downstream towards Ouistreham.    Operation Deadstick - Relief: Troops from the 192nd Panzergrenadier continued to attack  Bà ©nouville through the morning pressuring Pine-Coffins understrength command.   Slowly reinforced, he was able to counterattack in the town and gained ground in house-to-house fighting.   Around midday, 21st Panzer received permission to attack the Allied landings.   This saw von Lucks regiment begin moving towards the bridges.   His advance was quickly hampered by Allied aircraft and artillery.   After 1:00 PM, the tired defenders in Bà ©nouville heard the skirl of Bill Millins bagpipes which signaled the approach of Lord Lovats 1st Special Service Brigade as well as some armor.   While Lovats men crossed to aid in defending the eastern approaches, the armor reinforced the position in Bà ©nouville.   Late that evening, troops from the 2nd Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 185th Infantry Brigade arrived from Sword Beach and formally relieved Howard.   Turning over the bridges, his company departed to join their battalion at Ranville. Operation Deadstick - Aftermath: Of the 181 men that landed with Howard in Operation Deadstick, two were killed and fourteen wounded.   Elements of 6th Airborne retained control of the area around the bridges until June 14 when the 51st (Highland) Division assumed responsibility for the southern part of the Orne bridgehead.   Subsequent weeks saw British forces fight a protracted battle for Caen and Allied strength in Normandy grow.   In recognition of his performance during Operation Deadstick, Howard personally received the Distinguished Service Order from Montgomery.   Smith and Sweeney each were awarded the Military Cross.   Air Chief Marshall Trafford Leigh-Mallory termed the performance of the glider pilots as one of the most outstanding flying achievements of the war and awarded eight of them the Distinguished Flying Medal.   In 1944, the canal bridge was renamed Pegasus Bridge in honor of the British Airbornes emblem.          Selected Sources Pegasus Archives: NormandyBBC: Pegasus BridgeBattle for Pegasus Bridge

Monday, October 21, 2019

An Analysis of the Conclusion to Wuthering Heights Essay Example

An Analysis of the Conclusion to Wuthering Heights Essay Example An Analysis of the Conclusion to Wuthering Heights Paper An Analysis of the Conclusion to Wuthering Heights Paper Essay Topic: Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights Conclusion As we learned in class from the group presentation, the purpose of gothic literature is to evoke emotions of terror and horror, as well as break social norms. Typical image and imagery include specters, ghosts, and demons, along with dim lighting or eerie settings. Themes of gothic literature include uncertainty and the examination of the nature of power, law, society, family and sexuality that usually build to a great climax. Wuthering Heights is a great example of all of those aspects, but unlike most Gothic romances, I do not think that Wuthering Heights builds to an intense and violent climax before its ending. Instead, I think the tension in the novel unfolds as the inner conflict within Heathcliff slowly dissolves, as his love for Catherine lessens his longing for revenge on his dead oppressors children. Although the novels happy ending is not possible until Heathcliffs death, his authority becomes less threatening in the days that precede his death. As time passes, Heathcliff becomes increasingly bsessed with his dead love Catherine, and finds constant reminders of her everywhere he turns. He begins conversing with her ghost, and, after his climactic night on the moors he is overcome with a sudden sense of cheer, and he has a happy premonition of his own impending death. This part of the novel makes me very suspicious about what occurred at the moors to cause Heathcliffs change of attitude. The text frequently compares Heathcliff to the Devil, but he does not believe in Hell. His forced education of religion as a child caused him to deny the existence of Heaven, and his lack of religious beliefs seemed to cause him not fear death. I think death for Heathcliff symbolizes one thing: the beginning of his reunion with Catherine. I think the thought of this reunion with Catherine even sparks excitement for Heathcliff, which gives him the happy premonition of death. I think the marriage between Cathy and Hareton, symbolizes the start of a new life and the end of depression and disparity in the novel. I also think the marriage symbolizes the ower love has to overcome hardships and prevail. The marriage between Cathy and Hareton leading to a happy ending is also foreshadowing of the idea that had Catherine and Heathcliff been allowed to marry, the violence and revenge seen in the second half of the novel may not have occurred. I think that the reunion of Catherine and Heathcliffs ghosts is a fitting piece to the happy ending of the novel, demonstrating again that true love prevails, for better or for worse. An Analysis of the Conclusion to Wuthering Heights By Bmpegram

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Script Writing Tips and Format Example

Script Writing Tips and Format Example Script Writing Tips and Format Example Script Writing Tips and Format Example By Michael If critics tell you that your stories have too much dialogue, maybe you should consider writing scripts. Its different from writing ordinary prose. For one thing, a script is not the finished work of art. Its the blueprint that the director and actors use to create the work of art. The good news about that: your words dont have to carry all the weight. As a playwright, I like the way a stronger actor can make up for my weaker writing. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. But though a bad actor can completely misinterpret a perfectly clear line, a good actor can bring out the meaning that you were not quite able to express through words alone. Unlike a novel, there will be no great literature unless a character speaks it. An inarticulate man doesnt change just because you have a big noble speech you want him to make. Enter late, leave early. Every writer needs to remove anything that doesnt advance the story, but thats particularly true for scriptwriters. And sometimes you dont realize that a scene doesnt advance the story until you try removing it and discover that it still works. William Goldman, who wrote The Princess Bride and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid said, â€Å"You always attack a movie scene as late as you possibly can. You always come into the scene at the last possible moment.† In the same way, once youve made your point, dont belabor it. Always leaving them wanting more. Otherwise, they may start wanting less and leaving the theater early. A joke works best when its given no extra emphasis, when all the fat has been trimmed. Alfred Hitchcock told an interviewer in 1960, How does one describe drama? Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. Writing is a balance between saying too much and saying too little. Its a show: show dont tell The visual nature of the screen or stage makes it easier to follow the writers rule of show, dont tell.The rule is harder to follow on radio and podcasts, because they cannot show anything visually. So a scriptwriter must turn to narration, as he might in a book, or to less-than-subtle dialogue: Look out, he has a gun! Early TV hadnt found its sea legs yet as a visual medium, and perhaps depended on narrators more than necessary. But a film or play is more than a book in visual form. In an intriguing novel (nameless here, so I dont ruin it if you havent read it), friendly inhabitants take a mistrustful visitor into their home for the night. As he lies down to sleep, he slowly realizes that maybe his hosts have put on a friendly appearance only to trap him. In the television miniseries adaptation, the exposition depends on the visitor thinking out loud in bed for several minutes as his host listens. It was awkward: What if you plan to spring on me as soon as I realize the danger? Thank you for reminding me. I'll do that now. Maid and butler talk on a do-it-yourself basis, since you dont have to pay a maid or butler. No wonder the novelist found the miniseries just boring. This scene could easily have been adapted more cinematically, showing not telling, based on the novelists own words. INT. HOST'S BEDROOM - NIGHT The CAPTAIN is lying in bed. He glances at his HOST in the other bed. He lifts his head to look again more closely. His host's bedsheet is pulled back, revealing his hand. CLOSE UP - the HOST'S HAND has four fingers, with claws. The Captain carefully rolls back the covers. He slips from bed and walks softly across the room. HOST: (coldly) Where are you going?" CAPTAIN: For a drink of water. HOST: But you're not thirsty. CAPTAIN: Yes, yes, I am. HOST: No, you're not. FOOTSTEPS as the captain tries to run across the room. CAPTAIN (O.S.) He screams twice. SILENCE. The TICKING of an old CLOCK. People dont need to say exactly what they mean. In real life, people dont say, I asked you how you were doing because I wanted you to ask me how I was doing, since I wanted to talk with you so that you would feel comfortable enough with me to say Yes when I asked you out on a date. Real life is more subtle. Behind the text, there is the subtext the thoughts that motivate the character to speak. When a scene has too little subtext or subtlety, people say it is too on the nose. We dont need everything spelled out, and it isnt as much fun. You dont want a mystery writer to spell everything out, do you, except perhaps at the end. We can tell if someone is romantically interested in someone else by the way they say, How are you doing? A script leaves less to the audiences imagination. Many authors make a point not to describe their characters appearance too precisely, to make it easier for diverse readers to relate to the story. But when you see The Hunger Games on the screen, now you know what Katniss Everdeen looks like, and can no longer easily imagine that she looks like you. Unless you happen to look like Jennifer Lawrence. However, the writer can only suggest visual details. He or she cannot mandate that the movie be filmed in New Zealand and co-star Kevin Bacon, much as the writer may visualize the story just that way. Proper format shows professionalism. If you submit your novel to a publisher, and it isnt double-spaced with a one-inch margin (with only one space after a period), you will appear inexperienced and possibly inept, which you dont want to be. But a script has even more complex formatting requirements, with lots of white space, specific indents, and particular capitalization conventions. A script is written in present tense, with no more than two or three lines per paragraph dialogue too. Twist your plot, then twist it again. Sure, publishers would love to get their hands on the Harry Potter of the 2020s but not if its exactly like Harry Potter. They dont want potential readers to say, I already have a book about an Indian boy who spends 227 days in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. I dont need another one. You might have come up with that brilliant plot device all on your own, without the inspiration of somebody else, but if it happens to have already been used by somebody else, your chance for a sale just went way down. Ironically, to create a truly original story, you have to become very familiar with other peoples stories, to make sure that yours is sufficiently different from them. Good writing must include the unexpected. So when you come up with one good idea, keep coming up with more. If you dont have enough good ideas, try browsing through the standard plot types. But you can build twists yourself. You could summarize The Silence of the Lambs in a brief logline, as follows: An F.B.I. agent tracks down a serial killer. Other stories have had that same premise. How about adding to it? A young F.B.I. cadet must confide in an incarcerated and manipulative killer to receive his help in catching another serial killer. Now that is getting more interesting. But dont stop yet. A young F.B.I. cadet tracks down an elusive serial killer as she develops his psychological profile, reluctantly confiding in a manipulative psychologist who has been locked up for years after committing a series of similar murders. Instead of an ordinary F.B.I. agent, now there is a particularly vulnerable one, mismatched for the task. Because instead of one murderer, now there are two murderers, both clever, and one is stalking the other from behind bars. Satisfied? With that kind of carefully planning, your script could win an Academy Award, as The Silence of the Lambss script did. The original novel sold 11 million copies. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing Light50 Types of PropagandaOne Scissor?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Operations Management - Essay Example The Concept of Operational Management The operations management as a business function has many issue related to it that needs to be satisfied to increase the efficiency and productivity of a business concern. These are capacity requirements, technology, facilities, workforce, supply and distribution, quality, production planning and organizational structure. According to Shim (1999, Pg.4)â€Å"Operation policy is concerned with setting broad policies and plans for using the production resources of the firm to best support the firm’s long term competitive strategy†. However, the four basic issues of operation management strategy are as follows. a) Cost : The cost of a product or service decides the profit or loss of a company. In every market segment, there is a class of people who opt for low -cost product or service. So to compete on this basis, a company should produce goods and services which are of low- cost. b) Quality : Needless to mention, quality is a prioritiz ed element of any industry. Quality is classified into product quality and process quality. Product quality ensures better customer satisfaction and process quality make sure that products are defect free and is produced with total quality management. c) Speed of delivery : The speed with which a company delivers products and services to its customers decides the purchasing decision of a customer. The capability of a business firm to deliver products and services on a fast basis decides the price of their product and the company reputation. d) Flexibility : By the term flexibility, we mean that a company should offer various types of products and services to its customers. It also means how quickly a company can convert old products to new one to meet customer demands. These issues play an important role in understanding the challenges an operational manager can face in this competitive world. Challenges faced by Operational Managers a) Absence of Capital – Capital is the mai n resource of any business and this strengthen the foundation of a business. Capital is required from the launch of a business firm and al the strategic plans and operation of a business largely depend on capital availability. An operations manager needs enough capital to work in a full fledge way. An absence or lack of capital can restrict an operational manager in many ways. An operational manager with less available capital will contribute inferiorly to a business. Absence of capital can restrict an organization from many perspectives. A company with inefficient capital can offer fewer choices and solution to an operations manager. If a company is financially weak, the managers can dwindle on decision- making and planning proposals. b) Lack of efficient planning - Planning is crucial to business as it starts with proper intelligent planning. If planning is not proper, managers cannot align their functions with the goal of the firm. Planning needs to be extensive and if organizati onal leaders do not plan ahead of execution, then the business can doom to failure. If the basic decision - making is defective then an operations manager can do less about organizing and operating a company. An operations manager has the full responsibility of business functioning, if the planning is not well versed then the flow of business is interrupted

Friday, October 18, 2019

Organizational Problem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Problem - Assignment Example Introduction With an ever-growing population in just about every part of the United States, there is also a growing problem with criminal acts, particularly where offenders are arrested and a case comes to trial. How to review any case that comes in is important in that all the information is in a database (MIS) and properly coded for easier review to all concerned, particularly the judge. Keeping it all together between the court systems is the job of the court administrator. 1. As the new court administrator through the County Human Resource Division, a consolidation must first be made of schedules, list of personnel connected to those five court systems, and whatever current operations conducted in those systems must filter in to a main database which the court administrator handles (Allen & Sawhney 2009). This will also include the County Clerks Office and the District Attorney’s Office as well. A first examination can be made to determine what the judges of the courts spe cialize in so that most of the cases that fit the judge’s expertise will be assigned to that court. ... The District Attorney’s office must also be in on the meetings in order to make any comments or suggestions about the restructuring of case distribution (BJA 2008). At the same time, other members of the Justice system, involved in administration, should also be involved to discuss current issues with the court system as it stands. Every time a case is logged into the computer system which tags into the main database at the administrator’s office, the case is reviewed first and tagged for either a court trial or a preliminary meeting by lawyers with the judge first to see whether it is a prosecutable case. If it is not, but it does require some type of action by the judge, then it can be done right away with a judge’s signed order. However, all sides of the judicial parties must be in full agreement as to the outcome and solution, such as a remediation to a community program (BJA 2008; Dempsey & Forst 2013). Other cases, based on evidence, are definitely lined up for a courtroom appearance, such as in drug trafficking and violent crimes. All judges must agree to this procedure and how cases are viewed when first logged in, must be handled consistently across the board with approved criteria applied on each case as it comes in. This requires the system of coding the level of crime or nuisance implied by the arresting officer (BJA 2008). Additionally, lawyers involved with the defendants, must also be logged into the system, particularly to note if there are any conflicts between cases to be tried at the same time in different courts (BJA 2008; Peak 2012). As a last step, weekly or bi-weekly meetings, initially, can be held with all the judges and court personnel in order to iron out any issues which arise and need

Cement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cement - Coursework Example First step encompasses preparation of material to their required size and condition. Mainly, this is size reduction of materials, which are bulky in size and cannot fit well in the rotary kiln besides ensuring intimate reaction of varied chemical components (ZKG, 2010). This process is raw milling mostly taking place in the field before transportation of lime (ZKG, 2010). Once materials arrive in the factory, mixing or blending of varied components takes place. This is to ensure uniform and intimate reaction of materials once they are in the kiln, which is always at high temperatures. However, these temperatures usually vary significantly in diverse sections. These include dehydration (- 4500C), Calcination (4500C to 9000C), solid-state reaction (9000 – to 13000C), clinkering section (13000C to 15500C) and finally cooling zone (Thomas & Jennings, 2008).  After formation and cooling of clinker in silo, milling commences with addition of other essential additives whose role is to ensure cement attains its required condition before stored in silosg (ZKG, 2010). Milling entails feeding the clinker into a four-chamber or cemernt mill coupled with addition of gypsum and other components to produce a very fine powder, which is cement (Taylor et al. 2008). After milling, the fine powder based on materials may stay in the silo for sometime before packaging takes place. This is to allow final residue process take places effectively whereby afterwards packaging or bagging takes place before kept in warehouses.

Brand Strategy Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brand Strategy Analysis - Case Study Example The company also maintains threats that come directly from the consumer and their attitude regarding Starbucks’ quality and viability to fit their needs. Domestically, the success in consumer attitude or its previous ability to corner the market on unique coffee products met with higher capital growth for expansion into new market environments. However, the business has had to adjust its marketing strategies to include extension into the virtual environment, as only one example, because of this influence. Coupled with growth in competition know-how and product replication, Starbucks is unsure of whether its expansion from years prior will continue to serve its sustainability or growth objectives. The extension of other value-added products such as theater tickets or other branded merchandise is one contingency for revenue production that meets with short-term gains based on social or cultural trends. However, Starbucks seems to be able to recognize the appropriate short-term b randing partnerships and builds, at least, a short-run increase in sales growth. Starbucks’ hot spot music-related product focus is yet another example of its short-term focus in gaining higher revenues. Using reputable artists or other media to explore new technologies and sounds appealed to a buyer sentiment in the late 1990s at a time when there was little in terms of social media or other advertising formats. These strategies are now facing competition from major players in music downloads and kiosk formats such as Apple iTunes and multitudes of music downloading and access sites. This requires Starbucks to be always flexible regarding its strategic goals for gaining new market share or improving its capital position to be used in expansion or other business objectives related to outperforming other industry leaders or direct competitors. Success, Growth and the Global Brand They key successes are in environmental scanning to recognize opportunities in measurement to comp etition and buyer attitudes driven either by social factors, cultural factors or generic attitudes toward coffee and its innovations or convenience. Extension into non-food product offerings shows this flexibility and understanding of environmental forces that influence how the company manages its total product offering package. The company was able to build its positive brand based on quality by reinforcing through advertising and actual product that it was a best-in-class offering using only quality ingredients and development expertise. It was an engrained strategy used to appeal to mass market groups of varying demographics that never changed its positioning to create a portrait in the minds of consumers against competition. Starbucks’ growth strategy seemed a bit premature, extending itself into unknown markets too quickly without adequate knowledge of what their social trends included. Joint ventures and other partnerships provided the expertise and/or funding necessary to achieve this sudden growth, however only so much knowledge can be developed when most efforts are directed toward product innovation as a key goal or branding attribute. The partnerships with agencies such as Marriott were a practical and realistic method of introducing Starbucks into new environments where coffee consumption was typical. However, with high risks of cheapening the brand and allowing it to be leveraged and capitalized upon by knowledge leaders in the partner or joint

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The laws regarding homicide are an unsatisfactory collection of rules Essay

The laws regarding homicide are an unsatisfactory collection of rules which are unclear and which do not set appropriate leve - Essay Example This paper’s aim is to point out some of the major problems and errors that is contained in the homicide law. The first section will be looking at the definition of the homicide and also some of the legislative areas that is covered under the homicide law. The second section will entirely deal with the defects and problems in the homicide law. The third area will briefly look at the legal framework of the said areas and the suggested statutory reforms that can be implemented on the homicide law in Britain. When looking at the word ‘homicide’ in this essay the terms of reference will be in reference to the relationship between the law of murder and the law relating to homicide especially on manslaughter. The definition of murder can be borrowed from classic definition of Sir Edward Coke in 1797: â€Å"Murder is when a man of a sound memory, and of the age of discretion, unlawfully killeth within any country of the realm any reasonable creature in rerum natura unde r the King’s peace, with malice aforethought, either expressed by the party or implied by law, so as the party wounded, or hurt, etc. die of the wound or hurt, etc. within a year and a day after the same.†2 For the purposes of convenience in this paper, the definition of homicide will imply the unlawful killing of a human being by another human being. Under homicide offences, murder is the most serious of all but its reform cannot be reflected upon seclusion without the inclusion from the other homicide offences. Under Actus Reus there are four ways in which it can be implemented. 1. UNLAWFUL KILLING When the killing is unlawful there are certain defences that will make the killing lawful for example in the case of self defence. Should the jury find the killing was under self defence; then the killing will be lawful. This will only be possible if the act or omission of the defendant is thought to be legal cause of the victim’s death. Therefore the causation in su ch a situation must be established. 2. HUMAN BEING Should the killing occur then it must be the killing of a human being who was living. 3. QUEEN'S PEACE This means that the killing of an enemy during the course of war, under the Queen’s peace, the killing will not be classified as murder. 4. DEATH WITHIN A YEAR AND A DAY The killing ought to have been committed within the year and a day for it to be placed under homicide in particular.3 1. MALICE AFORETHOUGHT The mens rea in case of murder is usually malice aforethought. R v Moloney [1985] AC 905 4 (a) Intention to kill When it comes to murder there is always a specific intention for this crime to be committed. The intention might vary accordingly for example in this context the intention might be direct intention or even oblique intention. The direct intention implies that the situation of the defendant desired death in the first place while under oblique intent it means that the death of the defendant was foreseen as not c ertain although the defendant did not desire the death. The most recent authority on intention is: R v Woollin (1998) The Times, July 23.5 (b) Intention to cause Grievous Bodily Harm (g.b.h) An intention to cause grievous bodily harm is evidenced when there is willingness for acceptance of a substantial risk that the victim in this case might actually die: R v Vickers [1957] 2 QB 664: 6 In England and Wales the law being used

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fashion Merchandising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Fashion Merchandising - Essay Example The paper "Fashion Merchandising" analyzes The Ethics of Counterfeiting in the Fashion Industry. According to (Hilton, Chong Ju and Chen 345-354), the ethical issues of counterfeiting in fashion merchandizing are rooted among the fashion industry itself. This global issue can be analyzed by the statistical analysis which shows that the counterfeit market is worth $350 billion (Turner). This problem is comparatively increased in Western countries because of the non-involvement of legal system in designing sector of fashion. According to Skov, counterfeit is also a legal and economic issue which results into â€Å"misleading the consumer into believing that the goods that are presented are the real thing. Counterfeiting is done on the basis of â€Å"credence goods† which are defined as: â€Å"Goods whose quality is difï ¬ cult to assess before or after purchase and use. According to (Turner), â€Å"Credence goods are what are most copied because their value can only be dete rmined by the credence or faith given to them by others, therefore they are easily exploitable. These items are usually of medium quality that has a high-perceived value, which can be easily copied. In order to elaborate the importance of credence in fashion industry, let’s consider the nature of fashion world. According to (Hilton, Chong Ju and Chen 345-354), â€Å"credibility† is the main entity which lay the basis of fashion industry. This credibility is gained through buyer and manufacturer. This credibility is majorly gained through fashion â€Å"indicators†.

The laws regarding homicide are an unsatisfactory collection of rules Essay

The laws regarding homicide are an unsatisfactory collection of rules which are unclear and which do not set appropriate leve - Essay Example This paper’s aim is to point out some of the major problems and errors that is contained in the homicide law. The first section will be looking at the definition of the homicide and also some of the legislative areas that is covered under the homicide law. The second section will entirely deal with the defects and problems in the homicide law. The third area will briefly look at the legal framework of the said areas and the suggested statutory reforms that can be implemented on the homicide law in Britain. When looking at the word ‘homicide’ in this essay the terms of reference will be in reference to the relationship between the law of murder and the law relating to homicide especially on manslaughter. The definition of murder can be borrowed from classic definition of Sir Edward Coke in 1797: â€Å"Murder is when a man of a sound memory, and of the age of discretion, unlawfully killeth within any country of the realm any reasonable creature in rerum natura unde r the King’s peace, with malice aforethought, either expressed by the party or implied by law, so as the party wounded, or hurt, etc. die of the wound or hurt, etc. within a year and a day after the same.†2 For the purposes of convenience in this paper, the definition of homicide will imply the unlawful killing of a human being by another human being. Under homicide offences, murder is the most serious of all but its reform cannot be reflected upon seclusion without the inclusion from the other homicide offences. Under Actus Reus there are four ways in which it can be implemented. 1. UNLAWFUL KILLING When the killing is unlawful there are certain defences that will make the killing lawful for example in the case of self defence. Should the jury find the killing was under self defence; then the killing will be lawful. This will only be possible if the act or omission of the defendant is thought to be legal cause of the victim’s death. Therefore the causation in su ch a situation must be established. 2. HUMAN BEING Should the killing occur then it must be the killing of a human being who was living. 3. QUEEN'S PEACE This means that the killing of an enemy during the course of war, under the Queen’s peace, the killing will not be classified as murder. 4. DEATH WITHIN A YEAR AND A DAY The killing ought to have been committed within the year and a day for it to be placed under homicide in particular.3 1. MALICE AFORETHOUGHT The mens rea in case of murder is usually malice aforethought. R v Moloney [1985] AC 905 4 (a) Intention to kill When it comes to murder there is always a specific intention for this crime to be committed. The intention might vary accordingly for example in this context the intention might be direct intention or even oblique intention. The direct intention implies that the situation of the defendant desired death in the first place while under oblique intent it means that the death of the defendant was foreseen as not c ertain although the defendant did not desire the death. The most recent authority on intention is: R v Woollin (1998) The Times, July 23.5 (b) Intention to cause Grievous Bodily Harm (g.b.h) An intention to cause grievous bodily harm is evidenced when there is willingness for acceptance of a substantial risk that the victim in this case might actually die: R v Vickers [1957] 2 QB 664: 6 In England and Wales the law being used

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Natureview Yogurt Essay Example for Free

Natureview Yogurt Essay Natureview Farm has a few basic goals in this case. Goal 1: Natureview needs to increase its revenues to $20 million before the end of 2001. Goal 2: Natureview must maintain its strong brand image. Goal 3: Natureview must not turn its back on its loyal customers, suppliers, and distributors. Strengths * Natureview produces yogurt with a family recipe that uses completely natural ingredients and is also organic. Natureview does not use milk from cows that are artificially enhanced with hormones. * Natureview yogurt has an average shelf life of 50 days, which is significantly higher than the competition’s shelf life. * Natureview deploys low-cost guerilla marketing. * Natureview is the leader in market share for yogurt in the Natural Foods Channel, holding 24% of the market share. * Strong brand image. Weaknesses * Natureview’s retail prices are significantly higher than the yogurt options in supermarkets. * Natureview currently only offers single 8-ounce cups and 32-ounce cups of yogurt. Natureview does not offer multipack yogurt products. * Natureview sells in a niche market of consumers who want organic yogurt. * Natureview must deal with a longer distribution channel compared with companies who operate in the supermarkets. Opportunities * Natureview operates in the organic foods market, which was predicted to grow from $6.5 billion in 1999 to $13.3 billion in 2003. * Organic yogurt was predicted to grow 20 percent per year from 2001 to 2006. * One product Natureview does not produce, multipacks, represented 9 percent of total yogurt sales in supermarkets, and was growing by 12.5 percent per year. * Natureview does not sell in supermarkets, but 97 percent of all yogurt consumed is bought in supermarkets. Furthermore, 46 percent of organic food customers bought organic products at supermarkets, compared to 29 percent who bought organic products at natural foods markets. * The overall market for yogurt is huge. 40 percent of the U.S. population consumes yogurt, with 70 percent of the purchasers being men. Threats * Horizon Organic has cash flows from a recent IPO and might gain first mover advantage into supermarkets. * Major companies, like Dannon, are rumored to be entering into the organic yogurt market. * As organic food becomes more popular, natural food markets may begin doing business as supermarkets do, which requires slotting fees and participation in trade promotions. Financial Analysis The financial analysis of the situation will begin with a look at the analysis of the yogurt costs, revenues, and margins in the natural food channel and the supermarket channel. Working backwards from the margins given in the case, and also Exhibit 3 of the case, which shows production costs and retail prices for yogurts by size and channel, a full set of numbers can be produced (see Figures 1 through 6).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Concentration of sulfuric acid

Concentration of sulfuric acid Abstract My research question, as the topic states, is How would the concentration of sulfuric acid affect the rate of hydrogen gas produced when it reacts with iron? The reason that I want to do this experiment is to prove whether the collision theory in Chapter6.2 of the Chemistry textbook1 is true about the concentration will affect the rate of a reaction. And I also did another extend experiment about whether the temperature will affect the rate of a reaction. After a lot of calculations, and analysis of the experiments data I got, my conclusion is the collision theory is not very suitable on this particular experiment. Introduction In Chapter 6 of IB chemistry textbook about Kinetics, the factors that will affect the rate of a reaction are Concentration, pressure, temperature, surface area and catalyst. I want to choose one of these factors and prove if it will actually affect the reaction rate and I choose the concentration. Then I started to think about the experiment that can show whether the concentration of the reactants will affect the reaction rate. Because my schools laboratory is very limited, so I can only do the experiments that are easy to operate and will not use very sophisticated apparatus. So, after serious consideration, I decided to use the iron react with sulfuric acid, the formula is elaborated below: Fe + H2SO4 > FeSO4 + H2 The reason that I choose to do this experiment is that this experiment can generate gas and the tools to do this experiment are easy to obtain. In Chapter 6 of the Chemistry textbook, one of the techniques for measuring rate is a collection of an evolved gas. Because the rate that the gas generated can represent the rate of the whole reaction, so I just need to measure how fast does the hydrogen gas evolve. Development of the Experiment This experiment is not as simple as it looks like. The first way I use is let iron react with different concentration sulfuric acid, and use a stopwatch to measure the time for each different reaction to finish. But after I give a try of this method, I found out that for a reaction to completely stop will take hours or more, which means this way wastes too much time, so this method is not very practical. The second way that came out of my mind is let the hydrogen gas been evolved to fill a balloon, and see how much time it will take to let the balloon to explode. But as everyone knows, Hydrogen gas can burn, so when the balloon explodes, it may also set off the hydrogen gas, so this method is way too dangerous to operate. The final method I developed is close to perfect (I think), and it is better to be shown by a photograph: In the left part of this photo, the iron and sulfuric acid will generate hydrogen gas; the hydrogen gas will go into the beaker in the middle of this photo through the rubber tube. Because the beaker in the middle has been filled with water, the hydrogen gas go into the beaker will begin to push the water out of the beaker. Because there is another glass tube in the beaker (you can see it in the photograph), water will be push into the graduated flask in the right part of the photo through the glass tube and the rubber tube. I just need to measure the time for a certain amount of water that has been push into the graduated flask, and compare the time taken of every different reaction, I will know whether the concentration will affect the rate of the reaction. Although this method is perfect for me, I still made a mistake when I was assembling the apparatus together: As the photograph above shows, this is the beaker used to let the reaction took place. The mistake I made is: The glass tube is too deep. Because the glass tube is so deep that the mouth of the glass tube is totally immersed by the sulfuric acid, thus the hydrogen gas evolved cannot go through the glass tube, as a result, the hydrogen gas push the sulfuric acid into the glass tube! Luckily, this mistake is not very hard to correct, I just need to pull the glass tube out a little bit, as the photograph shows below: Experimental Procedure Material and instruments: pure iron powder, very concentrated sulfuric acid, gas collecting bottle, conical flask, balance, stop watch, grad cylinder, glass tubes and soft rubber tubes. Because the sulfuric acid I got is very concentrated (98%), so the first thing I need to do is preparing sulfuric acid which has different concentration. Use the grad cylinder to measure certain amount of 98% sulfuric acid. Use the grad cylinder to measure certain amount of water. Add the sulfuric acid very slowly into the water and use a glass stirs keep whisking the mixture. I have repeated these procedures for nine times because I raised the concentration of sulfuric acid by 10% each time, finally I got 9 solutions have different concentration: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%,70%, 80% and 90%. Use the balance to measure exactly 5g of iron powder. Add the iron powder into the beaker on the left of the photograph. Add the 10% sulfuric acid into the beaker on the left of the photograph. The hydrogen gas will press the water in the bottle into the grad cylinder and use the stop watch to measure the time taken for the hydrogen gas to press out certain volume of water. Add the 5g of iron powder and 20% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 30% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 40% sulfuric acid into the left beaker, then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 50% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 60% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 70% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 80% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 90% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 98% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Data and Analysis From the table above, we can see a very strange trend: When the concentration of sulfuric acid increase from 10% to 60%, the time is decreasing, in other words, the rate of the reaction keeps speeding up; but when the concentration of sulfuric acid reaches 70%, theres no reaction between iron and sulfuric acid at all! At first, I cannot even believe what I saw, so I repeat the reaction between iron and 70% sulfuric acid for several times but eventually lead to the same result: Nothing happened. Then I search this strange thing among a lot of books and websites, and this is called passivation2. Definition of passivation: Passivation is the process of making a material passive in relation to another material prior to using the materials together. For example, prior to storing hydrogen peroxide in an aluminium container, the container can be passivated by rinsing it with a dilute solution of nitric acid and peroxide alternating with deionized water. The nitric acid and peroxide oxidizes and dissolves any impurities on the inner surface of the container, and the deionized water rinses away the acid and oxidized impurities. Another typical passivation process of cleaning stainless steel tanks involves cleaning with sodium hydroxide and citric acid followed by nitric acid (up to 20% at 120 Â °F) and a complete water rinse. This process will restore the film; remove metal particles, dirt, and welding-generated compounds (e.g. oxides). In the context of corrosion, passivation is the spontaneous formation of a hard non-reactive surface film that inhibits further corrosion. This layer is usually an oxide or nitride that is a few atoms thick. Mechanisms of passivation: Under normal conditions of pH and oxygen concentration, passivation is seen in such materials as aluminum, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, stainless steel, titanium, and silicon. Ordinary steel can form a passivating layer in alkali environments, as rebar does in concrete. The conditions necessary for passivation are recorded in Roubaix diagrams. Some corrosion inhibitors help the formation of a passivation layer on the surface of the metals to which they are applied. Passivation of specific materials: Aluminum may be protected from oxidation by anodizing and/or valorizing (sometimes called Anodizing), or any of an assortment of similar processes. In addition, stacked passivation techniques are often used for protecting aluminum. For example, chromating is often used as a sealant to a previously-anodized surface, to increase resistance to salt-water exposure of aluminum parts by nearly a factor of 2 versus simply relying on anodizing. Ferrous materials, including steel, may be somewhat protected by promoting oxidation (rust) and then converting the oxidation to a metalophosphate by using phosphoric acid and further protected by surface coating. As the uncoated surface is water-soluble a preferred method is to form manganese or zinc compounds by a process commonly known as Parkerizing or phosphate conversion. Older, less-effective but chemically-similar electrochemical conversion coatings included bluing, also known as black oxide. Nickel can be used for handling elemental fluorine, thanks to a passivation layer of nickel fluoride. After we read the above explanation of passivation, the reason why iron does not react with concentrated sulfuric acid is pretty clear: Because concentrated sulfuric acid is extremely oxidizing, so as long the sulfuric touches the surface of iron, it will form an oxidized layer on the iron and this layer will stop iron and sulfuric acid being touch, thus there is no reaction would occur. An Extend of the Topic It seems that this experiment could be end here, but theres another idea came out of my mind: Since concentration cannot always affect the rate of the reaction, what about the other factors? Will other factors be suitable on this very particular case? Then I decided to do another experiment to see whether the temperature will affect the rate of this reaction. Procedure: Use the balance to measure 5 gram iron powder. Add the iron powder into a clean test tube. Add some 98% sulfuric acid into the same test tube. Use an alcohol burner to heat the test tube and observe what will happen. Not everything goes like we expected, and this experiment is not an exception. As you can see, in the photograph on page 15, theres a lot of gas evolved from the test tube, but I can definitely tell you that this gas is not hydrogen gas, there are two evidence I can found to prove that this is not hydrogen gas: We all know that hydrogen gas can burn, right? But when I put the mouth of the test tube very closely to the fire, I cant see any combustion. We all know that hydrogen gas doesnt have any odor, but when this gas evolved, I can smell a very strong pungent and smelly odor. This evidence can prove this gas is not hydrogen gas, but this evidence also leads to another question: What gas is it? I search on the internet and I found an equation that may be relevant to this experiment: 2Fe+6H2SO4(Hot, concentrated)=Fe2(SO4)3+3SO2+6H2O I also found out the reason for why would the experiment react like the equation above in a Chinese website, here is the translation: When the temperature is rising, the oxidized layer on the iron will be destroyed and prevent this layer regenerate. Thus, the concentrated sulfuric acid can react with the iron. Also, the rising temperature cause the sulfuric acid be more oxidizing than when its cold, so this directly cause the oxidation number of iron to increase, and this is the reason that when iron react with hot, concentrated sulfuric acid will generate sulfur dioxide(Which is the pungent and smelly odor I mentioned in the second evidence on page 16). Conclusion The Collision Theory in Chapter 6.2 of the Chemistry textbook, which states The rate at which particles collide is increased by increasing the concentration of the reactants, is not suitable on every reaction. In this case, increase the concentration of sulfuric acid can only increase the reaction rate in a certain range. Increase the temperature of the reactants will not always leads to the increase of reaction rate; instead, increase the temperature may leads to a totally different reaction. In this case, raise the temperature will cause the iron and sulfuric acid to react and generate sulfur dioxide, rather than hydrogen gas. Some limitation of the experiment: After I know iron will not react with 70% sulfuric acid, I decided to do more experiments to obtain the accurate Reaction-Stop Concentration, which must be in the range of 60%-70%, but because the experiments tools I have are very limited, so I cannot raise the concentration by1% at a time as I wanted, which leaves a little bit flaw to this experiment. Normally students should do experiments in the schools laboratory, but because of some reason, the lab cant give us the opportunity to do the experiment, so I have to buy the tools and materials and do the experiments at home, so this cause a lot of inconveniences to my experiments. Bibliography and References Damji, Sadru and Green, John, written place unknown, IBID Chemistry Book 2nd edition. Budinski, Kenneth G. (1988), written at Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Surface Engineering for Wear Resistance, Prentice Hall. Brimi, Marjorie A. (1965), written at New York, New York, Electrofinishing, American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mansfield Park :: essays research papers

Mansfield Park This novel, originally published in 1814, is the first of Jane Austen's novels not to be a revised version of one of her pre-1800 writings. Mansfield Park has sometimes been considered atypical of Jane Austen, as being solemn and moralistic, especially when contrasted with the immediately preceding Pride and Prejudice and the immediately following Emma. Poor Fanny Price is brought up at Mansfield Park with her rich uncle and aunt, where only her cousin Edmund helps her with the difficulties she suffers from the rest of the family, and from her own fearfulness and timidity. When the sophisticated Crawfords (Henry and Mary), visit the Mansfield neighbourhood, the moral sense of each marriageable member of the Mansfield family is tested in various ways, but Fanny emerges more or less unscathed. The well-ordered (if somewhat vacuous) house at Mansfield Park, and its country setting, play an important role in the novel, and are contrasted with the squalour of Fanny's own birth family's home at Portsmouth, and with the decadence of London. Readers have a wide variety of reactions to Mansfield Park-most of which already appear in the Opinions of Mansfield Park collected by Jane Austen herself soon after the novel's publication. Some dislike the character of Fanny as "priggish" (however, it is Edmund who sets the moral tone here), or have no sympathy for her forced inaction (doubtless, those are people who have never lacked confidence, or been without a date on Friday night!). Mansfield Park has also been used to draw connections between the "genteel" rural English society that Jane Austen describes and the outside world, since Fanny's uncle is a slave-owner (with an estate in Antigua in the Caribbean; slavery was not abolished in the British empire until 1833).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Aspects of Probation Essay -- essays research papers fc

There are times when almost everyone wonders exactly what the purpose of probation is, what kinds of conditions can be imposed if someone is put on probation, and what roles the probation officer and the court systems play in the scheme of things. If you know someone that is on probation it may not hurt to know a little bit about the way it works and that is exactly what we will be talking about here. Probation is one of the least restrictive penalties among the alternatives confronting a sentencing judge. Probation is the conditional release of an individual by the court after he has been found guilty of the crime charged. In the case of probation then, the individual has not been sentenced to prison, although he may, in fact, have been incarcerated in jail following his arrest and awaiting trial. Probation is in fact a charge and not a dismissal of charges, as many people believe. Many people believe that putting a person on probation is just a â€Å"slap on the wrist† and that it will not stop the person from committing further crimes but the term of probation is supervision and if it is broken punishment will follow for the probationer. Probation is a basic tool of rehabilitation for first time offenders and very few if any person who has more than one offense will receive probation. These offenders are more likely to receive jail or prison time for their offenses. Even first time offenders revert to crime during probation, which in turn embarrasses the court that gave that person probation rather than a jail or prison sentence. One helpful aspect of probation is the indication of a certain trust and confidence placed in the offender by the judicial order or probation officer. Another helpful aspect of probation is that there is actual supervision and guidance by a probation officer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Probation is an extension of powers of the court over the future behavior and destiny of the convicted person by showing them ways to keep themselves out of trouble later and hope that they will learn their lesson the first time. It helps to avoid the shattering effect upon the individual’s personality which so frequently follows imprisonment. Probation manages to keep the person in his old moorings: it makes no sudden and violent wrench in his daily habits; it does not destroy his family relations, his contact... ...the probationer has not broken his probation. After researching probation to a fairly good extent in my opinion, I believe that it really is an easy way out of being in trouble. This is especially true if the convicted person’s offense was not something that was done intentionally. I feel that probation is also a better way to handle people who are mentally unstable or people that have a drug or alcohol problem rather than just throwing them into the frying pan for a mistake.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bibliography Weston, Paul B. 1977. Administration of Justice. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. xiv. 337 pages Pursley, Robert D. 1977. Introduction to Criminal Justice. Encino, California: Glencoe Press. vi. 553 pages Rubin, Sol. 1963. The Law of Criminal Correction. St. Paul, Minnesota: West Publishing Company. xxv. 728 pages United States, Wickersham Commission. 1968. No. 9 Report on Penal Institutions, Probation, and Parole. Montclair, New Jersey: Patterson Smith Publishing Corporation. United States Sentencing Commission. 1990. Policy Statements for Violations of Probation and Supervised Release. Washington, D.C.: The Commission. i. 40 pages

Friday, October 11, 2019

Maid of Honor Speech

For those of you who don’t know, my name is Christina and I am the bride's younger sister and maid of honor. I feel both titles made me the luckiest person in the world. First of all I want to thank everyone who made this night possible. No word in the dictionary could explain my relationship with my sister. Paige, not only are you my sister, you were my first friend. We have been through a lot together, and through it all you have become my best friend. There's no one in the world quite like her.But as her sister, I see her a little differently. Most people see her as sweet Paige, but I know her true colors. As most of you know, my sister is going to be graduating college in December. She's probably one of the most intelligent people you would ever meet. But like I said, as her sister, I see her differently. Like the time she failed to realize she left an oven mitt in the oven while cooking a pizza. Or when she would always bring home stray cats and hide them in our closet be cause she knew mom would disapprove.That's the Paige I know. I didn't know Scotty before he met Paige, so unfortunately I don't have any embarrassing stories from when he was younger. When I first met Scotty, I wasn’t sure what to think of him, he was quiet, something completely different from my sister. I wasn’t sure that he could handle her outgoing personality. But after seeing the way these two acted towards each other, I knew it was true love. I never thought anyone in this world was good enough to marry my sister, but she found the one that proved my thought wrong.Not only is he going to be my sister’s husband, he will be the father to their child. I can’t picture anyone else more perfect to be part of our family. I used to believe that Scotty was the lucky one to have my sister, but I've learned over time that they are lucky to have each other. What they have is so precious and special and anyone can see that if you've ever seen them look at each o ther. I love you two so much. Congratulations!!